An installation from my work 'Scenario' will be part of the collective exhibition Errance Blanche at Fotohaus ParisBerlin Gallery in Arles, opening July 5th at 6.30 pm. Hope to see you there!
Thanks to the amazing Claire Laude and Michel Le Belhomme for inviting me.
Errance Blanche
Project from ParisBerlin Fotogroup
FOTOHAUS | PARISBERLIN, 7 Rue de la Roquette, Arles, France
Vernissage/ Opening 5/07/2017 at 6.30 pm
Exhibition from 03/07 to 09/07/2017
With :
Cihad Caner, Elena Capra, David Favrod, Matthieu Gafsou, Isabel Kiesewetter, Birgit Krause, Claire Laude, Michel Le Belhomme, Truth Leem, Pierre Liebaert, Sara Palmieri, Ulrike Schmitz, Ina Schoenenburg, Torsten Schumann
Following an invitation from FOTOHAUS | PARISBERLIN to organize an exhibition on the theme Rausch / Ivresse, Claire Laude and Michel Le Belhomme have invited fifteen international positions of artists around the concept and title "Errance Blanche".
"Errance blanche" means the condition when one changes from a feeling of comfort to a confused consciousness and then experiences a feeling of euphoria. "Im Rausch sein" / "être en ivresse" (French) / “to be in a state of euphoria” can also mean the feeling of invincible power and force which rises regardless of the substances one takes.
This euphoria can be compared with a creative force and its emotions. "Errance" refers to this moment of disorder when the body falls and moves back and forth into a different state when the euphoria and its abnormalities begin.
White refers to the substances, e.g. the color of alcohol or drugs. Metaphorically it can also stand for the white blank page of the artist.